Coach Fisher's Team

About Coach Fisher

I am Joel Fisher and I coached the 9-10 girls travel and AAU teams last year. I have also coached Girls' rec teams for the past 5 years.  I am local, born and raised in Churchville, and actually played for Forest Hill Rec when I was a kid and even refereed while I was in high school. I graduated from the University of Delaware, a professional UX designer, and the proud father of 3 daughters who all play basketball. As a coach, I recognize my role is to not only to further the girls knowledge of playing basketball, but to also assist them in growing mentally stronger. By teaching the girls how to handle competition on the court, whether to win graciously or lose confidently, they are learning skills to apply in life. On my team, the girls learn accountability, perseverance, and self-discipline while remembering to always have fun and enjoy the sport they love. Each girl brings a different set of skills to our team and we strive to have a culture of integrity and respect. I am looking forward to this season! 




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